WebInterfaces. Description. IObject. Provides access to the class the row belongs to. IRow. Provides access to members that return information about the row, the table the row belongs to and storing and deleting the row. IRowBuffer. Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row. WebDec 6, 2016 · IQueryFilter接口 属性及方法详解. SubFields 使用技巧:查询的时候只需设置需要的字段即可,比如你要查询age>15的数据,设置成SubFields=“age”就好了,这样在查询上效率会有所提高,如果不设置该属性,默认查询所有字段(相当于是“*”);如果需要返回全部字段采用默认值即可,不要把SubFields设置为 ...
ArcGIS Engine效率探究——要素的添加和删除、属性的读取和更新
WebIRowBuffer: Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row. Classes that implement IFeature. Classes Description; Feature: Esri Feature. Remarks. Features are spatial Objects. They are contained in a feature class in the same way that a row is contained in a table, and an object is ... includesymbols
IRowBuffer (ArcObjects Java API) - ArcGIS
Web该类实现了IRendererField接口,可以通过AddField方法来添加字段。 该着色法是使用饼图来表现要素的多个属性之间的比率关系。该对象实现了IPicChartRenderer接口,使 … WebsetValue in interface IRowBuffer Parameters: index - The index (in) value - A Variant (in) Throws: java.io.IOException - If there are interop problems. AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception. getFields public IFields getFields() throws java.io.IOException, AutomationException WebArrayBuffer对象是 JavaScript 操作二进制数据的一个接口。属于独立的规格(2011 年 2 月发布),ES6 将它们纳入了 ECMAScript 规格。它以数组的语法处理二进制数据,所以称为 … includes意思